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Butler Christopher: Postmodernism

Скачать книгу (размер 769 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 152) Аннотация: Postmodernism has been a buzzword in contemporary society for the last decade. But how can it be defined? In this Very Short Introduction Christopher Butler challenges and explores the key ideas of postmodernists, and their engagement with theory, literature, the visual arts, film, architecture, and music. He treats artists, intellectuals, critics, and social scientists as if they were all…

Sir Bernard Crick: Democracy

Скачать книгу (размер 728 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 144) Аннотация: No political concept is more used, and misused, than that of democracy. Nearly every regime today claims to be democratic, but not all 'democracies' allow free politics, and free politics existed long before democratic franchises. This book is a short account of the history of the doctrine and practice of democracy, from ancient Greece and Rome through the American, French, and Russian…

Ingham Patricia: Thomas Hardy

Скачать книгу (размер 1 452 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 286) Аннотация: Authors in Context examines the work of major writers in relation to their own time and to the present day. Combining history with lively literary discussion, each volume provides comprehensive insight into texts in their context. Hardy was born before the invention of the car, the telephone, and the aeroplane, when no woman could vote, when there were different rules for men and women wanting to…

Charlesworth Brian: Evolution

Скачать книгу (размер 809 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 160) Аннотация: Less than 450 years ago, all European scholars believed that the earth was the centre of a universe that was at most a few million miles in extent, and that the planets, sun, and stars all rotated around this centre. Less than 250 years ago, they believed that the universe was created essentially in its present state about 6000 years ago. Less than 150 years ago, the special creation by God of…

Nina O'Driscoll: BEC Vantage Masterclass: Course Book

Скачать книгу (размер 809 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 160) Аннотация: A new addition to the Masterclass series providing preparation for the revised Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) Vantage examination. BEC Vantage is ideal for pre-service and in-service learners. The course has a practical approach and is suitable for classroom use or self-study.

Neil Wood: Workshop: Business and Commerce

Скачать книгу (размер 197 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 40) Аннотация: A series of Workbooks offering practical English lessons for school students preparing for work.

Nina O'Driscoll: BEC Vantage Masterclass: Workbook with Key (+ Audio CD)

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2) Аннотация: A new addition to the Masterclass series providing preparation for the revised Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) Vantage examination. BEC Vantage is ideal for pre-service and in-service learners. The course has a practical approach and is suitable for classroom use or self-study.

Hutchinson Tom: Big City 2: Student's Book

Скачать книгу (размер 361 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 72) Аннотация: A series of videos for those working or training to work in a business environment.

Lindsay White: Workshop: Engineering

Скачать книгу (размер 197 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 40) Аннотация: A series of Workbooks offering practical English lessons for school students preparing for work.

Dictionary of the Internet

Скачать книгу (размер 1 381 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 272) Аннотация: Who is a typo pirate? Are they related to fat clients? And what is shovelware? The rapid rise of the Internet has changed our language. This dictionary allows you to keep up with those changes by concentrating in-depth on Internet terminology. Featuring over 3,600 jargon-free entries, from the thousands of new abbreviations, technical terms, and user-jargon to terms associated with e commerce,…

Astrid Lindgren: The Best of Pippi Longstocking: Three Books in One

Скачать книгу (размер 1 952 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 384) Аннотация: «Contains three books about Pippi — «Pippi Longstocking», «Pippi Goes Aboard», and «Pippi in the South Seas». This work is illustrated throughout by best-selling artist, Tony Ross, who has illustrated the cover. Astrid Lindgren has won numerous awards including the Hans Christian Andersen Award and the International Book Award.»

Robert J. McMahon: The Cold War

Скачать книгу (размер 1 013 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 200) Аннотация: The massive disorder and economic ruin following the Second World War inevitably predetermined the scope and intensity of the Cold War. But why did it last so long? And what impact did it have on the United States, the Soviet Union, Europe, and the Third World? Finally, how did it affect the broader history of the second half of the twentieth century — what were the human and financial costs?…

Minidictionary for Nurses: 5 edition

Скачать книгу (размер 3 747 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 736) Аннотация: The fifth edition of this best-selling and trusted dictionary has been fully updated and revised to take account of recent developments in nursing practice and related fields. Updates cover the fields of surgical techniques, paediatrics, gynaecology, nephrology, endocrinology, and ENT, as well as the latest reorganization of the National Health Service. Fully revised, this dictionary provides…

Hoskin Michael: The History of Astronomy

Скачать книгу (размер 687 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 136) Аннотация: Astronomy, perhaps the first of the sciences, was already well developed by the time of Christ. Seventeen centuries later, after Newton showed that the movements of the planets could be explained in terms of gravitation, it became the paradigm for the mathematical sciences. In the nineteenth century the analysis of star-light allowed astrophysicists to determine both the chemical composition and…

Redfern Martin: The Earth

Скачать книгу (размер 809 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 160) Аннотация: For generations, the ground beneath the feet of our ancestors seemed solid and unchanging. Around 30 years ago, two things happened that were to revolutionize the understanding of our home planet. First, geologists realized that the continents themselves were drifting across the surface of the globe and that oceans were being created and destroyed. Secondly, pictures of the entire planet were…

Jones Diana Wynne: The Spellcoats

Скачать книгу (размер 1 299 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 256) Аннотация: Tanaqui, and her brothers and sister, are left alone to fend for themselves. But the people in the village turn against them. They must flee their home and begin a terrifying journey to the sea. * Diana Wynne Jones is recognized as being one of the most outstanding writers of fantasy in recent times. * The Dalemark Quartet books are for good readers who have enjoyed the Christopher Chant books by…

Liz Soars: New Headway Advanced: Workbook without Key

Скачать книгу (размер 442 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 88) Аннотация: The long-awaited, totally new edition of the Advanced level, providing a real challenge and stimulus for Advanced learners. Workbook — thorough practice consolidates and extends language work introduced in the Student's Book — vocabulary work recycles and extends topics — further work on idioms, phrasal verbs, and collocation — separate listening section in each unit specially planned for…

Dunn John: Locke

Скачать книгу (размер 687 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 136) Аннотация: John Locke (1632-1704) one of the greatest English philosophers of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century, argued in his masterpiece, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, that our knowledge is founded in experience and reaches us principally through our senses; but its message has been curiously misunderstood. In this book John Dunn shows how Locke arrived at his theory of…

Baggini Julian: Atheism

Скачать книгу (размер 687 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 136) Аннотация: Atheism is often considered to be a negative, dark, and pessimistic belief which is characterized by a rejection of values and purpose and a fierce opposition to religion. Atheism: A Very Short Introduction sets out to dispel the myths that surround atheism and show how a life without religious belief can be positive, meaningful, and moral. It also confronts the failure of officially atheist…