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Michael Curtis Ford: The Fall of Rome: A Novel of a World Lost

Скачать книгу (размер 1 870 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 368) Аннотация: 476 A.D. The Roman Empire, staggered by centuries of barbarian onslaughts and riddled with corruption, now faces its greatest challenge—not only to its power and prestige, but to its very existence… He reduced Concordia, Altinum, and Patavium to ashes, captured Verona and Milan. He was the most dangerous enemy Rome had ever known. The legacy of Attila the Hun, once thought destroyed on the…

Michael Curtis Ford: The Last King: Rome's Greatest Enemy

Скачать книгу (размер 2 197 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 432) Аннотация: «To the Romans, the greatest enemy the Republic ever faced was not the Goths or Huns, nor even Hannibal, but rather a ferocious and brilliant king on the distant Black Sea: Mithridates Eupator VI, the last king of Pontus, known to history as Mithridates the Great. At age eleven, he inherited a small mountain kingdom of wild tribesmen whom his wicked mother governed in his place. Sweeping to power…

Michael Curtis Ford: Gods and Legions: A Novel of the Roman Empire

Скачать книгу (размер 2 360 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 464) Аннотация: «In the year, 354 A.D., Julian, a sheltered scholar and pacifist lives in peace-until a summons from Emperor Constantine the Great changes the young man's life forever. Dispatched to Gaul to help reclaim a beaten Roman territory from German barbarians, Julian displays a surprising and brutal genius for survival against impossible odds. Emerging as an unlikely hero and adored by a legion of…