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Mereghetti Paolo: MovieBox: Photographing the Magic of Cinema

Скачать книгу (размер 2 441 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 480) Аннотация: Since the dawn of the film industry, the worlds greatest photographers have been drawn to record the colourful characters and the process of filming, capturing rare behind-the-scenes views, moving portraits and candid stills of the stars living their everyday lives. A photographic journey that spans the history of cinema, MovieBox is a collection of more than 350 images of the most iconic movies…

Mereghetti Paolo: Orson Welles: Masters of Cinema

Скачать книгу (размер 524 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 104) Аннотация: Welles began his direting career in 1940, at the age of twenty-five, with Citizen Kane, an undisputed, ground-breaking masterpiece of cinema history. Welles' satture as a baroque, impetuous and profoundly free artist made the sudios uncomfortable. He had control of every detail on the twelve feature films he was able to make, including Lady from Shanghai with Rita Hayworth (1947), Touch of Evil…