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Jodi Picoult: Sing You Home

Скачать книгу (размер 2 523 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 496) Аннотация: Zoe Baxter has spent ten years trying to get pregnant, and just when she's about to get her heart's desire, tragedy destroys her world. In the aftermath of loss and divorce, she throws herself into her career as a music therapist. Working with Vanessa, she finds their relationship moving from business, to friendship, and then — to Zoe's surprise — blossoming into love. When Zoe allows herself to…

Jodi Picoult: House Rules

Скачать книгу (размер 3 257 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 640) Аннотация: Jacob Hunt is a teenager: brilliant at maths, wicked sense of humour, extraordinarily organised, hopeless at reading social cues. And Jacob has Asperger's. He is locked in his own world — aware of the world outside, and wanting to make a connection. Jacob tries to be like everyone else, but doesn't know how. When his tutor is found dead, all the hallmark behaviours of Jacob's syndrome — not…

Jodi Picoult: Handle with Care

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2) Аннотация: «Every expectant parent will tell you that they don't want a perfect baby, just a healthy one. Charlotte and Sean O'Keefe would have asked for a healthy baby, too, if they'd been given the choice. Instead, their lives are made up of sleepless nights, mounting bills, the pitying stares of «luckier» parents, and maybe worst of all, the what-ifs. What if their child had been born healthy? But it's…

Jodi Picoult: Por la Vida de Mi Hermana

Скачать книгу (размер 2 309 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 454) Аннотация: Puede un padre o una madre amar demasiado? O es que acaso tanto amor nunca es suficiente? Anna Fitzgerald no esta enferma, aunque pudiera parecerlo. Con apenas trece anos de edad ha soportado innumerables operaciones, inyecciones y transfusiones para que su hermana mayor Kate pueda de alguna manera sobrevivir a la leucemia que la aqueja desde su ninez. Anna, al ser geneticamente compatible con su…

Jodi Picoult: Keeping Faith

Скачать книгу (размер 2 605 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 512) Аннотация: «When the marriage of Mariah White and her cheating husband, Colin, turns ugly and disintegrates, their seven-year-old daughter, Faith, is there to witness it all. In the aftermath of a rapid divorce, Mariah falls into a deep depression—and suddenly Faith, a child with no religious background whatsoever, hears divine voices, starts reciting biblical passages, and develops stigmata. And when the…

Jodi Picoult: The Pact: A Love Story

Скачать книгу (размер 2 605 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 512) Аннотация: Until the phone calls came at three o'clock on a November morning, the Golds and their neighbors, the Hartes, had been inseparable. It was no surprise to anyone when their teenage children, Chris and Emily, began showing signs that their relationship was moving beyond that of lifelong friends. But now seventeen-year-old Emily is dead—shot with a gun her beloved and devoted Chris pilfered from his…

Jodi Picoult: Picture Perfect

Скачать книгу (размер 1 875 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 369) Аннотация: To the world, they had everything. Cassie Barrett was a renowned anthropologist. Alex Rivers was a respected actor. They met on a film set in Africa. They shared childhood tales, toasted the future, and declared their love in a fairy-tale wedding. But when they returned to California, something altered the picture of their perfect marriage. Torn between fear and compassion, Cassie wrestled with…