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Grey Zane: Riders of the Purple Sage

Скачать книгу (размер 1 544 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 304) Аннотация: The novel that set the pattern for the modern Western, Riders of the Purple Sage was first published in 1912, immediately selling over a million copies. In the remote border country of southern Utah, a man is about to be whipped by the Mormons in order to pressure Jane Withersteen into marrying against her will. The punishment is halted by the arrival of the hero, Lassiter, a gunman in black…

Grey Zane: Riders of the Purple Sage

Скачать книгу (размер 1 243 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 245) Аннотация: The first of Zane Grey's many bestsellers, this stirring tale of adventure and romance established the prototype for western novels. A proud young heroine stands alone against the villains who rustle and stampede her cattle — until a stranger rides into the territory. Classic of American frontier fiction, teeming with color, authenticity, thrills.

Grey Zane: Riders of the Purple Sage

Скачать книгу (размер 1 544 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 304) Аннотация: The canyons and sage plains of Utah have a dangerous beauty. Skilled riders must go out every day and night to protect the herds and the homesteads from cattle rustlers. Stories of a masked man and a lone gunman looking for vengeance have spread across Utah. There has long been a feud between Gentiles and Mormons. A feud that Jane Withersteen, daughter of the man who founded the Mormon settlement…