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Dukan Pierre: The Dukan Diet

Скачать книгу (размер 1 952 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 384) Аннотация: France's best selling diet book ever which has sold over 1 million copies since it was published in 2003. Devised by Dr Pierre Dukan, a qualified medical doctor who has spent his career helping people to lose weight permanently, it is an easy to follow protein-rich diet which delivers fantastic results in the short term and then shows you how to maintain your ideal weight for life. The Dukan Diet…

Dukan Pierre: The Dukan Diet Recipe Book

Скачать книгу (размер 2 033 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 400) Аннотация: The Dukan Diet is based on a unique four-step programme. Two steps to lose weight and two steps to keep it off for good. The Dukan Diet Recipe Book will help you to stick to the diet by offering over 350 recipes suitable for the all-important weight loss stages. With meal ideas for the protein-only Attack stage and then lots more recipes to keep you on track during the Cruising stage when you can…